Hieronder vermeld ik een paar van de beste en meest betrouwbare boeken die bestaan over het onderwerp.
Het eerste boek hieronder heeft op de New York Times Bestseller lijst gestaan en het voorwoord in dit boek is verzorgd door John Podesta. Hij was de White House Chief of Staff onder Bill Clinton en is momenteel een adviseur van Obama.
UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record

"At last, a serious and thoughtful book about this controversial subject. Skeptics and true believers will find a treasure trove of insightful and eye opening information. This book is bound to set the gold standard for UFO research."
—Michio Kaku, Ph.D. Author of Physics of the Impossible and host of Sci Fi Science on the Science Channel
“I was astonished by the care and precision of Leslie Kean’s research in this terrific book. Her analysis is carefully reasoned and to the point; her craftsmanship in organization and writing are superb. Her expose' raises important questions: Why does the US government create public distrust by neglecting this important topic? Why do its agencies avoid investigating cases of interference with flight operations and instead issue absurd cover-up stories? This book is ultimately an appeal to all scholars for an "extraordinary investigation of an extraordinary phenomenon.”
—Rudy Schild, Ph.D., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
“Like me, Leslie Kean is an agnostic on the issue of UFOs. Her book is a fine piece of journalism - not about beliefs, but about facts. Kean presents the most accurate, most credible reports on UFO's you will ever find. She has fought long and hard to discover the facts and let the chips fall where they may. She may not have the final smoking gun, but I smell the gunpowder.”
—Miles O'Brien, former CNN space/science correspondent
“I find explanations offered by UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists to be implausible, but I also have little patience with "deniers" who ridicule credible reports. Leslie Kean has found a thoughtful path between extreme views, documenting the UFO mystery with intelligence and insight. She makes a strong case for U.S. participation in official, international UFO investigations and for public dissemination of the results. The fascinating first-hand accounts make this a thought-provoking book, even for those of us who don’t know much about UFOs.”
—Neal Lane, Ph.D., Rice University; former Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
“If you don't know much about UFOs, you must read this book. If you think that UFO reports are nonsense, this book will disabuse you of that notion. Leslie Kean's UFOs informs readers at every level of knowledge and belief. It could, and should, become the "tipping point" that leads to public acceptance of the reality of UFOs and all of its implications.”
—Don Donderi, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, McGill University (Ret.)
“In an area of study where there aren’t many, this is a serious book. It is credible, clear, and compelling, without any farfetched jumps in logic and assumption. Its credibility begins on the first page with John Podesta and continues with case studies of extraordinary quality to the very end. Leslie Kean not only makes the case for, but calls for, a whole new concrete and realistic perspective on UFOs that has more honesty and integrity than any other that I have read. This is a book for anyone with an open mind.”
—John L. Petersen, Founder & President of The Arlington Institute
“In these pages we are confronted head-on by the UFO phenomenon as revealed firsthand by highly credible government officials and military aviation experts. Their credibility and integrity cannot be questioned, and their firsthand observations cannot be ignored. Leslie Kean provides a challenging analysis and she writes with penetrating depth and insight. The revelations in this book constitute a watershed event in lifting the taboo against rational discourse about this controversial subject.”
—Harold E. Puthoff, Ph.D., Director of The Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin
“When I started reading Leslie Kean’s UFOs, I found it very difficult to stop. This is an unprecedented assessment of what may be the greatest challenge ever presented to mankind. In an outstanding piece of investigative journalism, Kean provides a well-written and convincing appeal for change in dealing with a phenomenon that can no longer be ignored.”
—Jean-Claude Ribes, Ph.D., Paris Observatory (Ret.)
“For anyone who questions why - after more than fifty years of denial, ridicule, and dismissal - many scientists, academics, political figures, and military personnel still insist that the subject of UFOs should be taken seriously, this book provides the answer. Leslie Kean offers compelling documentation that physical objects, with flight characteristics not yet achievable by known technology, are being routinely reported in our skies. They represent a mystery that needs to be solved.”
—Stuart Appelle, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Science and Mathematics, State University of New York, Brockport
"Leslie Kean’s astonishing book is the finest piece of investigative journalism ever written on this subject. She has an incomparable ability to ‘give voice’ to a constituency of exceptionally qualified and unbiased first-hand observers. They are not from the fringe, not groupies, and not delusional. Rather, they are high-level military, intelligence, aerospace, and government officials who speak with authority while providing reports that document actual, physical craft. Kean’s book represents the first important step toward a new U.S. government openness about UFOs. It brings forward a reality otherwise buried for far too long inside official mystery, and elevates the discourse above that of small-minded public discussions."
—Christopher C. Green, MD, Ph.D., Harper University Hospital, Wayne State University School of Medicine
UFOs and the National Security State

Richard M. Dolan is a gifted historian whose study of U.S. Cold War strategy led him to the broader context of increased security measures and secrecy since World War II. One aspect of such government policies that has continued to hold the public's imagination for over half a century is the question of unidentified flying objects.
Included are the activities of more than fifty military bases relating to UFOs, innumerable violations of sensitive airspace by unknown craft and analyses of the Roswell controversy, the CIA-sponsored Robertson Panel, and the Condon Committee Report. Dolan highlights the development of civilian anti-secrecy movements, which flourished in the 1950s and 1960s until the adoption of an official government policy and subsequent "closing of the door" during the Nixon administration.
This is a complete history of the phenomenon, the secrecy, and the response by researchers who sought to understand the mystery. Behind it all is the backdrop of a world in technological, economic, and political transformation. Dolan also studies "UFO politics," describes the black-budget connection, and provides a geopolitical analysis to explain the whys and hows of UFO secrecy.
Finally, he provides a history of UFO research itself. He recreates the discussions and debates concerning alien abductions, animal mutilations, intelligence community infiltration into UFO research, the controversial MJ-12 documents, the Gulf Breeze controversy, reverse engineering of alien technology, crop circles, and more. Dolan also studies the effect of such new technologies as the Internet on UFO research.
UFOs for the 21st Century Mind

"In a field that can be so confusing, so complex, Richard Dolan has taken his many years of thinking about UFOs and written a completely fresh overview of the entire subject. . . . This is an ambitious work that truly ties the many different aspects of the subject together. It's rare to find something like this, especially considering the care and thoroughness that went into it."
—George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AM.
"As a follow-up to his previous books exploring the relationship between UFOs and the National Security State, historian Richard Dolan widens his perspective to explore all aspects of this provocative phenomenon. In this role, he takes us on a journey that brings to life the subtlety and depth of this rich subject, a truly captivating read."
—H. E. Puthoff, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin
"UFOs For the 21st Century Mind represents a new kind of book – one that clearly and intelligently addresses literally every aspect and implication of the most maligned, misunderstood and compelling subject in human history. Richard Dolan’s newest work is perfect reading for serious students of ufology as well as the absolute beginner. Inspired, particularly well written, and the product of a first class mind for this or any other century."
—Peter Robbins, coauthor of the U.K. bestseller, Left At East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident
"This is an invaluable treatment of the known facets and seemingly endless implications regarding UFOs, with a much-appreciated focus on the human experience. A job well done, Richard."
—Sam Maranto, Investigative Researcher

Reactie plaatsen
Hallo Skywalker,
Hoe kom je aan die 70 dollar?
Het boek UFO's and Nukes is bij de auteur te bestellen voor 50,95 dollar incl. 28 dollar verzendkosten. Dat is 37,40 euro. In december komt er een ebook versie.
Overmaken met Paypal op ufohastings@aol.com
Henk van Roekel.
Hallo Henk. Ik wilde eigenlijk dat boek van Hastings ook toevoegen n.a.v. van jouw tip, maar ik zie dat het boek nogal duur is (70 dollar). Daarom kies ik er toch voor om het hier niet te vermelden.
Het bovenstaande boek heb ik in bezit en gelezen. Betrouwbare getuigen en veel referenties. Ik ben al minstens 30 jaar met dit onderwerp bezig en dit is een erg goed boek. Een ander boek dat minstens zo betrouwbaar is: Ufo's and Nukes van Robert Hastings. Hastings heeft met meer dan 100 gepensioneerden van het amerikaanse leger gesproken die betrokken waren bij atoomraketten.
Uit dit boek blijkt dat het amerikaanse leger er alles aan heeft gedaan om de belangstelling van de UFO bestuurders voor onze atoomwapens zo lang mogelijk geheim te houden. Het boek is te bestellen bij de auteur. (ufohastings.com)
Bedankt voor je mooie website.
Die heb ik toevallig laatst nog gelezen. Erg interessant boek was dat!
"Buitenaardse beschaving" van Stefan Denaerde is ook interessante lectuur als je openstaat voor het onderwerp. Het beschrijft het contact tussen een Nederlander en buitenaardse.
ik zou graag meer weten over aliens
mvg de aeu